Monday, January 6, 2020

Agriculture current affairs


Contribution of Agriculture and allied sectors to GDP is- 16% (2019-20)

Contribution of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing to GDP is- 16.0% (2018-19, 2nd Advanced estimate)

 Total Food grain production in the country during 2019-20was- 285 Mt.

 Total Food grain production in the country during 2018-19 was- 281.37Mt (2nd Advanced Estimate)
 Total Pulse production for the year 2019-20 is- 24.5 Mt 

 Among Pulses the crop with highest production and 
largest area under cultivation is- Bengal gram/Chick 

 Among Oil seeds the crop with highest production and largest area under cultivation is- Soyabean

 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) South Asia Regional Centre established at- Varanasi, U.P. 
(Dec, 2018)

 First Director of IRRI South Asia Regional Center- Dr. Arvind Kumar.

 The bufferstock maintained/Procurement made by 
FCI is- 68.7 MT (Rice- 32.9 MT; Wheat- 35.8 MT) 

 Rice Knowledge bank launched (an agriculture web portal) launched on- 28 Feb, 2019 at Assam Funded 
by World bank for enhancing knowledge on Rice 
production techniques and technologies).

 World Bank assisted project State of Maharashtra fs Agribusiness and Rural Transformation (SMART) launched to transform 
Rural Maharashtra 

 Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare launched online software for processing applications, Agmark quality certification mark for agricultural 
products is-AGMARK Online system.

 First SAARC Agri Cooperative Business Forum held in . 28-30 August, 2018 Kathmandu, Nepal.
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 FSSAI notifies standards for honey and its products to curb adulteration. It will help farmers to fetch better prices for their products. 

 Union Ministry of Commerce & Industry launched- Coffee Connect & Coffee Krishi tharanga.

 14 products received Geographical Indication (GI) tag from Government of India, 2019.

 Asian tea Alliance launchced in China on April 19, 2019 (Members of this association are India, China, 
Srilanka, Indonesia and Japan. 
Main objective: To enhance tea trade, cultural exchanges and promoting tea. 

 Annual Average rainfall of the country for the year 2018-804 mm (Avg. rainfall of the country is 890 mm).
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 The World Food Prize 2018 was awarded to- Lawrence Haddad and Dr. David Nabarro for their individual but complementary global leadership in elevating maternal and child under nutrition within 
food security (First World Food Prize won by- MS Swaminathan).

 Egg production of the country for the year 2019-20
was- 95billion 
 Per capita availability of eggs in India is- 74 per person per year 

 Position of India in terms of Egg Production- 3rd 
(1-China; 2- USA) 

 Total milk production in the year 2017-18 was- 176.35 Mt.

 Per capita availability of Milk in India- 376 gm per person per day
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 India's share in World Milk production- 17% 

 Minimum Support Price recommended by - Commission for Agricultural Cost and Prices 

 MSP announced by- Government of India: MSP is calculated based on Avg. Cost of Production.

 At present MSP is announced for - 23 crop commodities only.

 The state that produces highest food grains is- Uttar Pradesh

 The State that produces highest Pulses is-Madhya Pradesh 
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 The state that ranks first in Oilseed production is- Rajasthan . 2018- National year of Millets 

 FAO of the UN declared the annual observance of World Pulses day starting from the year-2019 

 Institutional credit for Agriculture sector for the year 2018-19- 11 lakh crore 

 Time period for achieving Sustainable Development 
Goals (SDG) set up by UN is- 2015-2030 

 Number of Sustainable Development goals- 17

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