Thursday, May 26, 2022



Module 1. Communication process

Lesson 1


1.1  Introduction

Communication is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, opinions, facts, feelings or expressions in a way that each gain a common understanding of the message being communicated. In fact, we cannot imagine life without communication; since it is an in-built function helping us in our day-to-day activities. In this chapter, various aspects of communication have been dealt with, the details of which are given as below: 

Communication process is a continuous and life-long process. It is a dynamic, constantly moving, ever-changing and on-going process.

����������� Basic purpose of communication= Creation of MEANING

1.2  Meaning

Meaning exists in the mind of the PEOPLE, but not in the WORDS! In fact, communication vehicles (viz. words, symbols signs) don�t have meaning in/of themselves, but people have meaning for them!! Moreover, MEANINGS aren�t TRANSMITTABLE in nature!!



1.2.1         Types of meaning




CONNOTATIVE  Denotative meaning

����������� = Word-Object relationship

����������� = Sign-Object relationship (e.g. + , - , � , � , /, ( ) etc.)

����������� DICTIONARY/DESCRIPTIVE MEANING (exception: Exact meaning of the word 

����������� APPLE / MANGO cannot be understood in totality, when English-to-English dictionary will be consulted, unless it�s accompanied by the picture!)  Structural meaning

(SIGN-SIGN Relationship)

Untitled  Contextual meaning

         e.g. MENTAL ABILITY TEST(S) of BANKS(s).

                   X Y Z = Mango is fruit.

                   I  E Y = I eat Mango.

                        Y = Mango

    *    Different MEANING in different CONTEXT

            e.g. (Sanction; Lie; Right; Cook; Labour;      

             Address ; General ; Bear; Dear; Left; Light; Bat; Pen; Well, etc.)  Connotative meaning

         WORDS may have VALUE or Extremely PERSONAL meaning (s), in this case.

         PERSON-oriented in nature (e.g. WORDS like GOOD, BEAUTIFUL, PLEASANT, etc.)

e.g. she is a Beautiful Women! (It�s a JUDGEMENT. Judgments are sentences emphasizing this meaning. )

         CONNOTATION is more PERSONAL, and it varies more among PEOPLE!!

e. g.  The term �MY MOTHER� has the CONNOTATIVE MEANING based on  SUM

             TOTAL of all of our PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES (with):-  

              (A) Our OWN mothers

              (B) Other PEOPLE�S mothers, and

              (C) All of the situations in which we have used or heard the word MOTHER.

It is, however, impossible for people to agree completely & unanimously on the CONNOTATIVE MEANING of any word/ term!

1.3  Purpose(S) of Communication

    To inform (an appeal to MIND); viz. EDUCATION

    To Persuade (an appeal to SOUL/ Emotions); viz. PROPAGANDA

To Entertain; viz. Entertainment programmes.

We are constantly trying to understand ourselves & other people (plus, things) around us   through communication! Hence, one can realize that how important it is to try to understand as much as possible about the communication process in which one is totally involved now (presently) & will be for the rest of (one�s) life!!

1.4  Significance of Communication


1.5  Ingredients of Communication



1.6  Dimensions of communication


1.7  Nature of communication

It�s a process.

                           Dynamic; on-going; ever-changing; continuous act.

                           (No beginning, end, or fixed sequence of events.)

 One can�t really �freeze� COMMUNICATION at any point of time!

It employs many means

It takes place by many means, at many levels, with many people, in many ways, for many reasons.

It involves interdependence

It�s a two way process, where constant reversal of role(s) is there. (Level of interdependence varies from situation to situation.)

This process comprises of a no. of distinguishable parts

It takes place �within� participants

Individuals� capabilities of organization and converting raw sensory data into functionally consumable or processable units of information.

It takes place at many Levels

(Intrapersonal- Communication takes place within an individual;

 Interpersonal- Between or among persons;

Intra-organization- Communication takes place within an organization; and

Inter- organization- Communication takes place between or among organizations).

Communication FIDELITY varies from one communication situation to another

Fidelity is the faithful performance of all the element of communication process. Perfect communication is very rare and effectiveness of communication varies with situation.

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