Tuesday, January 14, 2020

IBPS- AFO Exam - Agriculture Knowledge Questions

Q. (1). Indian Institute of Pulses Research is located
Ans.  c. Kanpur

Q. (2). National Research Centre for Groundnut is located
Ans .. Junagarh

Q. (3). Dual purpose breed of cow in India
Ans . a. Haryana

Q. (4). Highest % of fat in Buffalo breed
Ans . a. Bhadawari

Q. (5). Citrus cracking is due to
Ans . c. Deficiency of boron

Q. (6). Deficiency symptom first appears on older or lower leaves
Ans . a. Potassium

Q. (8). Seed rate (kg/ha) of Maize is
Ans . b. 18-20

Q. (9). No till planter used for-
Ans . b. Sowing

Q. (10). Aluminium phosphide
Ans . d. Rotendicide

Q. (11). Khapra beetle is related to
Ans . a. Storage food grain pest

Q. (12). Maximum export agriculture product in India
Ans . b. Onion

Q. (13). Which one is variety of onion
Ans . b. Agri found

Q. (14). Maximum production and area of potato in state
Ans . c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Rajasthan

Q. (15). Central Agriculture University is located in
Ans . a. Imphal

Q. (16). Most famous variety of mandarin
Ans . a. Kinnow

Q. (17). Delinting of cotton is done using-
Ans . a. H2SO4

Q. (18). Most popular variety of North India
Ans . a. Dashehari

Q. (19). Famous variety of grape in India
Ans . c. Thomas seedless

Q. (20). Black heart of potato is a -
Ans . b. Physiological disorder

Q. (21). Reinfiltration through soil surface is called-
Ans . d. Percolation

Q. (22). Alkali soil having pH of-
Ans . b. >8.5

Q. (23). Oat production in India-
Ans . a. 2-3 tonnes

Q. (24). Vasantrao Naik Award is for-
Ans . d. Best Research in dry land Farming

Q. (25). Available water for plant growth is-
Ans . b. Capillary water

Q. (26). Indian Journal of Agriculture Science is published in
Ans . c. Quarterly

Q. (27). Pramalini is a variety of
Ans . b. Kagzi lime

Q. (28). Grape cutting time-
Ans . a. Oct.-Nov.

Q. (29). Spacing of apple
Ans . c. 6 x 6 m
Q. (30). High density planting in banana
Ans . b. 1.2 x 1.2 m

Q. (32). Dieback of citrus occurs due to the deficiency
Ans . b. Cu
Q. (33). Which statement is incorrect in relation to drip irrigation
Ans . a. Low fertilizer use efficiency

Q. (34). Propping done in
Ans . c. Banana

Q. (36). Which is Primary tillage implement
a. Wooden plough
b. Hand hoe
c. Disc harrowing
Ans . d. All of these

Q. (37). Egg parasitoid
Ans . b. Trichogramma

Q. (38). Mango variety which is planted at the rate of 1600 plants/ha
Ans . a. Amarapali

Q. (39). Apex institute for agriculture marketing in India
Ans . a. NAFED

Q. (40). Best control method for stored grain pest
Ans . b. Fumigation

Q. (41). Little leaf of litchi
Ans . c. Zn deficiency

Q. (42). Die back of citrus
Ans . a. Cu deficiency

Q. (43). Which one is main function of AGMARK -
Ans . a. Maintain quality of commodity

Q. (44). Most popular variety of tomato
Ans . c. Pusa ruby

Q. (45). Leaf curl of chillies is due to-
Ans . a. Thrip
Q. (46). Which variety of radish can be grown throughout the year
Ans . c. Pusa himani

Q. (47). Indian journal of fertilisers is published by
Ans . c. Fertilizer Association of India

Q. (48). Early maturity variety of maize is-
Ans . a. Ganga safeda

Q. (49). The main storage polysaccharide in animal cells is
Ans . a. Glycogen

Q. (50). Variety of mango available in may-august
Ans . a. Dasheri

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