Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Education-meaning, defination, types and Nature

  Education-meaning, definition, types and nature

Origin of EDUCATION:

The term education is derived from the following three tatin word
1. Educare; this means to bring up to, to nourish, to rear and to train
2. Educere: This implies to draw out and to lead out
3. Educo: The letter ‘E’ means ‘out of’ and ‘duco’ means ‘to lead’. This denotes to extract out and to lead fourth.   


 Education is the process of desirable changes in human behavior- in knowledge (things known), attitudes (things felt) and skills (things done), in all of them or in one or more of them.
Education have three components viz Knowledge, attitude and skill
1. Knowledge: It includes facts, concepts, principles and relationship.
Eg: Extension worker educates a farmer on cultivation practices in sweet corn (change in knowledge).
2. Attitude: An attitude can be loosely defined as a feeling towards some object, person, and situation or idea.
Eg: Extension worker changes the negative attitude of a women farmer and makes them adopt Mushroom cultivation (things felt)
3. Skills: Ability to do things.
Eg: Extension worker improves skills of a cotton farmer on stem application of pesticide (things done)

Types of education:   

1. Formal education
2. Informal education
3. Non formal education
1. Informal education: It is a lifelong educational process by which every individual acquires and accumulates knowledge, skills, attitudes, and insights, from daily experiences and exposure to environment at home, at play etc.
Eg: Little baby, as she grows up, learns how to recognize her parents and how to eat
2. Formal education: It is highly institutionalized, uniform, full time, chronologically graded, hierarchically structured education system which starts from primary school to university education
Eg: Education in schools & colleges
3. Non formal education: It is also organized and systematic educational activity outside the framework of formal education system to provide selected types of learning to particular sub groups of population, adults, as well as children according to their need.
Eg: Extension Education. Extension worker improves the skills in cotton farmers on stem application of pesticides

Nature of education - 

1. education is purposive 
2. education is planned 
3. Education is life long 
4. education is overall development 
5. education is bi-polar
6. education is Tri-polar
7. education is psychological as well as social 

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