Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fathers of Extension Education Discipline

Fathers of Extension Education Discipline

Father of Learning
Father of Demonstration
Father of Indian Extension
Father of PRA in USA
Father of Sociology
 Auguste Comte
Father of Modern Sociology
R. K. Meston
Father of University Extension
James Stuart
Father of Extension
J P Leagans
Father of Diffusion Simulation
Father of PRA
Robert Chamber
Father of PRA in India
Neela Mukherjee
Father of Project management
Henry Gantt
Father of Scientific Management
Fredrick W Taylor
Father of Modern Management theory
Henry Fayol
Father of Androgogy
Alexander Knapp
Father of Adult education in USA
Father of Stress Management
Hans Selye
Father of Social system approach
Vilfredo Pareto
Father of Development administration
George Gantt
Father of Modern Digital Communication

Father of Mass Communication
Father of India Telecom
Sam Pitroda
Father of Wireless Communication
J C Bose
Father of Brainstorming

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