Tuesday, October 15, 2019




1.      Social norms – Layman
2.      Folkways – Sumner
3.      Androgogy - Alexander knapp
4.      Father of Adult education in USA- Lindmen
5.      Motto of 4H club- Carri Harrison
6.      Folkways -  Sumner
7.      POSDCORB- _Gullick
8.      PRA - _Henry ford
9.      RRA - _Collinson
10.  Concept of self - _Cooley
11.  Role taking theory- _ G H Mead
12.  Entrepreneur word - _Richard Cantinlon
13.  Credibility - _Hovland
14.  Sociometric technique- J L Moreno
15.  Polygynandry-  Majumadar
16.  Urban fringe -  Srinivas
17.  Social physiology -  Saint Simon
18.  Term Stem family -  F Leplay
19.  Concept of ego & Alter -  Talcott Parson
20.  Concept of IQ -  Willium Stung
21.  Conflict theory - Karl Marx
22.  Communism theory - Karl marx
23.  Disequilibrium theory- _ Lewin
24.  Term I-D Process -  Rogers
25.  Concept of COIK fallacy - Dale
26.  Concept of ingroup & outgroup -  Semnar
27.  Term social actualization - Kurt Goldstein
28.  Term ex post facto -  Chapin & greenwood
29.  Comcept of employment - David wener
30.  Learning by doing concept - John Dewey
31.  Gemenischaft & Gesellschaft - F Tonnies
32.  Term Rurabinate - Donald Tuttle
33.  Sanskritization- M N Srinivas
34.  Theory of Laisserz faire -Adam  Smith
35.  Satellite model of extension -Perumal
36.  Bond theory of learning- E L Thorndike
37.  Bio-village concept- M S Swaminathan
38.  Communication Competency –Hymes
39.  Word extension –Vorhees
40.  Concept of extension education process-Leagans
41.  Principles of adult learning-Knowles
42.  Bond theory of learning-Thorndike
43.  Cone of experience given by-Edgar Dale
44.  Cone of experience modified by-Sheal
45.  Steps in extension teaching presented by-Wilson & Gallup
46.  Father of PRA-Robert Chamber
47.  Farmer first model by- Robert Chamber
48.  Term andragogy-Alexander Knapp
49.  Credit for success of KVK- Dr.Chandrika Prasad
50.  Blue print for establishment of agri universities-Dr.Ralph W Cummings
51.  Crop demonstration on cotton laid by-Seaman A Knapp
52.  ICAR become autonomous body based on recommendation of- Dr. Marison W Parker
53.  IARI established under vice royalty of-Lord Curzon
54.  3tier Panchayati Raj by-Balawant Rai Mehta
55.  2tier Panchayati Raj by-Ashok Mehta
56.  Term Panchayati Raj-J L Nehru
57.  People’s plan-M N Roy
58.  Term Hindu rate of growth-Raj Krishna
59.  Concept of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh-Mohd. Younis
60.  4 H Club founded -O H Benson
61.  Motto of 4 H Club-Carri Harrison
62.  4 H pledge worded -Otis Hall
63.  Young farmers association-P S Deshmukh
64.  Theory of mass communication-Defleur
65.  Role taking-George Mead
66.  Linguistic theory of communication-williams
67.  Balance theory of communication-Heider
68.  Medium is the message-McLuhan
69.  Communication IQ-Bhanja
70.  Communication competency-Hymes
71.  Key communicator concept-Lazarsfeld
72.  Dimemsions of message-Berlo
73.  Message distortion-Kirk
74.  Concept of feedback-D Berlo
75.  COIK fallacy-Edgar Dale
76.  Term ID process-Rogers
77.  Adoption quotient-Chattopadhyay
78.  Adoption index-Bose
79.  Father of sociology-August Comte
80.  Father of modern sociology-R K Meston
81.  Term primary group-Cooley
82.  Term Sanskritization-M N Srinivas
83.  Gemeinschaft & Gesellschaft-Tonnie
84.  Folkway-Sumner
85.  Social institution-Horton & Hunt
86.  Concept of PRA-Henry Ford
87.  Father of PRA-Robert Chambers
88.  Father of PRA in India-Neela Mukherjee
89.  Experiential learning cycle-James A McCaffery
90.  Functions of management-Henri Fayol
91.  Contingency theory of leadership-Fielder
92.  Path goal theory-Robert House
93.  Hierarchy of need theory-Abraham Maslow
94.  ERG theory-Clayton Alderfer
95.  Hygiene two factor theory-Frederick Herzberg
96.  Reinforcement theory-B F Skinner
97.  Goal setting theory-Edwin locke
98.  Expectation theory-Victor H Vroom
99.  Equity Theory-J Stacy Adams
100.               Theory X & Y -McGregor
101.                      Theory Z-Oouchi
102.                      Management by organization-Peter Druker
103.                      Delphi Technique-Olaf Helmer
104.                      Managerial grid-Robert Blake & Jane Mouton
105.                      Word entrepreneur-Richard Cantillon

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