Monday, October 21, 2019

Objective Model Paper for Agricultiture extension education

Q: 1 Television broadcast for rural development in India, started in

A. 1947
B. 1967
C. 1957
D. 1977

Q: 2   the term “folkways “was coined by 

A. summer WG
B. Nehru JL
C.  Maunder AH
D.  Ensminger

Q: 3 A person’s functional significance is indicated by 

A. Status
B. Act
C. Role
D.  None of these

Q: 4 Marthandam Programme was started by Dr. Spencer Hatch in the year

A. 1941
B. 1921
C. 1931
D. 1911

Q. 5 Basic unit of society

A. Group
B. Community
C. District
D.  Family

Q.6 Young farmers Association was formed in India under the guidance of

A. Dr. MS Swaminathan
B. Dr. VL Chopra
C. Dr. PS deshmukh
D.  Dr. RS Paroda 

Q.7 the method used to observe and measure the psychological meaning of concept is
    (a) Content analysis
    (b) Q methodology
    (c) Sematic differentiation
    (d) Projectile technique

 Q.8 extension teaching method is focused to
     (a) Subject matter specialist
     (b) Subject
     (C) Learner
     (d) None of these

Q.9 The co efficient of reliability at a perfectely of homogenous experiment condition will be
a) Zero
b) 0.5
c) 1
d) 2

Q.10 ‘Chairmen’ of planning commission is
a) President
b)  Governor
C) Prime Minister
d) Finance  minister

Q.11 Antayodya Yojana was started in the year
a) 1979
b) 1977
c) 1989
d) 1988

Q. 12 reserve Bank of India Is a
a) rural Development bank
b) bank for government
c) Co-operative Bank
d) Commercial Bank 

Q. 13 interaction and involvement of participation is in the highest degree in
a) Field method
b) Case Method
c) Laboratory Method
d) Lecture Method 

Q.14 ‘Self help group’ is constituted with an objective of
a) Inducing thrift 
b) Augmenting financial resources
c) Running micro-enterprises
d) None of these

Q.15 To remove the afternoon sleep from the participation we use
a) Ice breaks
b) Micro lab
c) Climate setting
d) None of these 

Q. 16 method of mass communication
a) Demonstration
b) Farm Visit
c) Group discussion
d) Newspaper

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